চাঁদের বুড়ির বয়স যখন ষোলো (হার্ডকভার)

World's Inspirational Speeches By Great People

    World's Inspirational Speeches By Great People Product ID: 71669 ISBN: 9789381753774 Author: Dr. Gagan Jain Type of book: Non Fiction Publisher: Maanu Graphics Publishers Page: 256 Country: India Language: English Book Summary: A great select of the greatest speeches from the worlds most famous people, The words from these famous people are rousing, motivational and filled with emotions as, are all of the best speeches. The essence of the most persuasive speeches is the inspirational and informative quality that these types of speeches possess. The whole of the text of each speeches topic is included and is not confined to just fragments of speeches. All of these well-known women are famous for their powers of verbal and oral communication all making excellent use of the words and language of their native tongue.
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